Daily Archives: February 20, 2008

Convention Time!

What? Convention? It’s only February!

BC CHECYes, but believe it or not this school year is half over, and homeschool conventions start popping up in April, May and June depending on where one lives. Here in B.C we have two large scale conventions that happen annually. One in the Greater Vancouver Area and one in the interior of our province. In the past I have always attended the first, but this year I am going to venture to the latter – which happens to be in Kelowna and is only two months away.

Thinking ahead about a homeschool convention helps me stay in the mindset of setting myself up for another year. This causes me to evaluate where everyone is at in terms of personal development and academic growth. Are we one track? Ahead? Behind? I need to ask myself these questions for a variety of reasons, but mostly it sets me up to be able to think carefully about next year’s curriculum choices. Which worked well for us? Which could we do without? What skills do we need to further develop? What would I do differently?

Curriculum modelThinking about these things now gives me an opportunity to start implementing them for the remainder of this school year – which is often very timely because typically during this time of year I suffer from homeschool burnout. I lose my oomph – so to speak. If you’ve never been to a homeschool convention, I’d encourage you to check one out. At the very least – take some Pro D time and give yourself and your curriculum an evaluation. If you tend to fly by the seat of your pants and then find yourself ditching curriculum before your even half way through it, you may benefit from a little research and careful planning.

As for me, not only will I be taking that Pro D time during the Kelowna conference, but you can bet I will also be taking in some much needed R&R time, girl time, and dare I say – a little shopping?

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Filed under Convention, Curriculum, Encouragement